Customer App

Offer Excellent Service Support to Your Customers with an Excellent App.

Provider App

Cater to Service Requests Placed by Customers and Increase Earnings.

All In One
Services App

Fulfill All the Requirements of Your Customers with an Excellent All in One Services App to Support Your Business Approach Extensively.


App Solutions We Provide For Handyman Services

We Offer Excellent Support for Your Various Handyman Service Categories with Our App Solution.


Fulfill customer’s requirements any time with an excellent app solution working beside you.


Appoint cleaners to your rescue and get the work done efficiently and excellently from them.

Car Wash

Provide the best of your services to the customer’s preferred location upon their demands.


Avail the services from expert physicians on time through an efficient system designed for you.

How The All In One Services App Works?

Customer searches for and selects a service category and a service provider.

Service request is placed and service provider reaches the specified location.

User pays for the services provided through the multiple options available.

User can provide a review of the services received and of the service provider.

Customer Application

Provide Efficient Services on Customer’s Demand Through Excellent Customer Application.

Sign in/Register

Users are required to register themselves with the app before they start using it for availing services.

Service Categories

Users can search for the required services from the list of all the available ones.

Book Now or Schedule

Customers can choose to schedule a service request in advance or book it right away.

Easier Payment Facilities

Customers can choose their preferred payment method for paying for the service charges from all given.

Provider Application

Keep the Providers in Touch of Customers with an Efficient App Solution Dedicated for Their Use.

Sign In/Register

Every time service providers login, an authentication code is sent and verified to ensure a secure login process is done.

Customer Requests

Providers can see the service requests placed by customers and can accept/reject once according to their choice.

Job Scheduling

Using the in-app calendar, service providers can schedule their jobs in advance and can set their working hours.

Route Optimization

Providers are provided with the optimized route to the customer’s location to ensure they reach there easily and fast.

AKey Features Of Our All In One Services Application

We Offer Excellent Features That Guarantee the Success of Your Online Business with the App Solution.

Fixed & Hour Based Pricing Model

System admin can choose to set the pricing of the services either fixed or based on the hours which are taken for getting the work done.

Multi-City Support

The app can be efficiently operated over multiple cities with efficient control through an intuitive admin panel provided for efficient monitoring.

Multi-Country Availability

Supporting business growth, we deliver the solution compatible with working in different countries simultaneously while facilitating easier and enhanced control.

Multi-Language Integration

We provide our apps compatible with the language change feature and enable it to operate in different languages according to users’ choices.

Provider Availability Settings

Providers can set their working hours availability and schedule appointments according to their choices through the provider-specific application.

Add Referrals

Users can avail discounts and special schemes on the service charges and during registration using the referral codes availed by the system admin.

Payment Gateway Integration

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec id elit non mi porta.

App Theme Change

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec id elit non mi porta.

Multi-Language Support

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Multi-Currency Integration

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What We Do?

Additional Features Offered By Us

We Ensure Our E-Services App Deliver Excellent Usability and Hence Include Features Supporting It.

More Details

How It Works?

User Website

User Registration/Login

Users can create their account through the website and log in using their login credentials provided for logging in.

Search Services

Users can search for the required services from the list of all available services and place a service request accordingly.

Request Details

The website displays the placed service request details until the time and ensures all necessary details of each are added.

How It Works?

Admin Panel

Manage Services

Admin can add or remove the services list displayed in the application using this feature of the admin panel.

Manage Users

Admin can limit the access of all stakeholders of the system through the admin panel for efficient operations.

Admin Management

Multiple admins of the system can be managed using this feature to efficiently use the system for business growth.

What We Do?

Explore What Our E-Services App Solution Can Offer

Customer & Provider App

Know how the customer and provider application works to deliver desired results for your business and how everything is managed efficiently.

App Visual Flow

User Website

Look how a user can easily use the user website to ask for and book a service as per their demand and what the website offers for your business growth.

Web Visual Flow

Admin Panel Flow

Know how an admin can manage the entire business from a single web console adhering to every business requirement and ensures excellent control.

Admin Panel Flow

Pricing Table

Know what we offer in our app solution and the pricing policies of ours that works in your favor and helps in delivering an excellent solution.

Request Demo

Algorithm Used By Us

“X”- Nearest Service Provider Algorithm

The algorithm is set to follow the number set by admin- “X” and accordingly notifies nearby “X” number of service providers when a request is placed.

For example, if “X” is set to 5, then 5 nearby service providers will receive the service request placed by a customer on their provider applications.


We Build Pieces of Software For Modern Platforms

The Platform You Choose for Your Business Success Doesn’t Matter. We Are Committed to Providing All the Assistance That You Need Without Keeping Any Bars. We Are Providing Solutions for Android, iOS, Website, and Wearables.


If you don’t see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare.


Yes, customer and provider applications are native in both, Android and iOS. The Android app supports OS version Jellybean and above while iOS app supports iOS version 8.0 and above.

We provide a single user license with our app solution which restricts the product usage by a single business only. If you want to use it for more than one business, please reach us at [email protected] for more information.

Stripe is used as the default payment gateway in the application. However, we offer to integrate custom payment gateway also to our clients. For more information on pricing and charges, please contact [email protected].

Yes, we avail free support for 3 months and also we offer our excellent development support after the 3 months if our clients are wishing for it.

Yes. We furnish our clients’ custom feature integration requirements in the app solution. To know more about the services provided, contact us at [email protected].